Martin Kafes33 Hirth (* 1981) EN
His artistic expression was shaped by the free creative environment of the graffiti scene. Martin's entire work is permeated by the fascination with lines, which he develops into an infinite variety of shapes into an abstract composition. At the beginning of each of his paintings, there is a random blot at first glance, although there is no place on the canvas of coincidence and everything has a fixed order. Behind every line, rounding or bend and behind every shape is a carefully thought-out concept. The layering of variant lines on an unbounded coloured area can be reconstructed retrospectively and each of the layers is slightly acknowledged and we, like archaeologists, can uncover their relics. 
The complete harmony of organic structures brings a unique, even meditative experience to the viewer standing in front of Martin's canvasses. At the same time, it stimulates the observer’s imagination and triggers chains of associations.
Martin Kafes33 Hirth (* 1981) CZ
Jeho umělecký projev formovalo svobodné tvůrčí prostředí graffiti scény. Celou Martinovu tvorbu prostupuje fascinace linií, kterou v abstraktní rovině rozpracovává do nekonečné tvarové rozmanitosti. Na počátku každého jeho obrazu stojí na první pohled náhodná skvrna, přestože pro žádnou nahodilost není na plátně místo a vše má svůj pevný řád. Za každou linkou, zaoblením či zalomením, za každým tvarem je pečlivě promyšlený koncept. Vrstvení variantních linií na neohraničenou barevnou plochu lze zpětně rekonstruovat, neboť každý z nánosů je, byť nepatrně, přiznaný, a my jako archeologové můžeme odhalovat jejich pozůstatky.
Celistvá harmonie organických struktur přináší divákovi stojícímu před Martinovými plátny jedinečný, až meditativní prožitek. Současně podněcuje jeho fantazii a spouští řetězce asociací.
2024 – Winner of the Art Grand Slam award (2023), in the category of public space, for the artwork for NBA player Vít Krejčí's basketball court.
Solo Exhibitions
2024 – "What is hidden inside?" (Jatka78 Gallery – Prague, Czech republic)
2023 – THE GATE33 (Písecká Brána – Prague, Czech republic)
2023 – Public installation – AR Elephant33 placed in the Forest in Thailand (Thailand)
2022 – The whole new dimensions – Vnitroblock (Prague, Czech republic)
2022 – AR Whale33 placed on the beach with shape of whale tail (Uvita, Costa Rica)
2021 – Between the curves (Truhlárna – Prague, Czech republic)
Group Exhibitions
2023 – Miami Art Week Mobile Billboard Showcase with Plogix Gallery (Miami, USA)
2023 – Live performing and painting in ZOO with #kulturunezastavis​​ (ZOO – Ústí nad Labem – Czech republic)
2023 – Group exhibition on "Celart 2023" (Čelákovice, Czech Republic)
2022 – exhibition of nft NFT – Digital works of Art at PRAGUE ART WEEKArtefin (Prague, CZ)
2022 – MAKE ART NOT WAR – Vnitroblock (Prague, Czech republic)
2022 – Group exhibition at London project Art Number 23 (Athens / Greece)
2022 – Selected artist at "Art inside gallery+" cont. art gallery without walls, in AR
2021 – Mindfulness, Thevisionaryprojects / New York, curated by VOSS GALLERY
2020 – AFinita (G18 – Poděbrady / Czech republic)
2018 – The London Loop (London / United Kingdom)
2011 – “Club Epopee”, Designblok 2011 (Praha / Czech republic)
2005 – The European Street / La galerie du moment (Brussels / Belgium)
2005 – Prague Bienale 2 (Praha / Czech republic)
2003 – Hip Hop Kemp (Pardubice / Czech republic)
2024 – "Pasta Jacket" – For the Czech NHL player David Pastrňák, in collaboration with Tipsport, I created a jacket specifically for the 2024 Ice Hockey World Championship held in the Czech Republic. 
2024 – The special e-bike "Crafty" by Mondraker, developed in collaboration with the Bosch e-bike system, was created specifically for rider Richard "Gaspi" Gasperotti.
2021 – Custom Surfboard (Costa Rica)
2021 – Label for barrel beer Stout Bourbon 2021 (Zíchovec Brewery)
2020 – Karel Gott Movie poster (Bonton films, The Chemistry Gallery)
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